
Posts Tagged ‘donations’

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Best part of it was probably disturbing cold air and hypnotizing moody sky…

Well, more about the trip:
the whole meaning of this little adventure was to share.
It may come as a surprise, but the folk in Cuzco, Peru (one of the most admired touristed spots in the world) has hard time survivng, children have to work, and most of them do not even need to dream, since they know- their lives will be dedicated to selling wool stuff to white and spoiled tourists…
So if you packed your backpack ready, once you are there- MIND TO SHARE. It’s easy, and good, and you can do it, so why not?
From Viktoryian and Pepo:
Huuuuuuge THANK YOU to those who joined this trip if not in person, with their hearts and minds.
Synne Hathway, Shannon Rose, Rosa Elelna Gutierrez, Angie Romero, Kris Yalta, Roxana Flores Bazan and Elizabeth Pachaslaines! Ladies, YOU ROCK!!!

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